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Wouxun Leather Case For KG-805, KG-UV6D, and KG-UVD1P Radios

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Quick Overview

The Wouxun WLC-KG-UVD1P is a leather case for Wouxun KG-805G, KG-805M, KG-UVD1P and KG-UV6D Dual Band two way radios.

Availability: In Stock



The Wouxun WLC-KG-UVD1P is a leather case for Wouxun KG-805G, KG-805M, KG-UVD1P and KG-UV6D Dual Band two way radios.

  • Wouxun Leather Case with strap
  • Clear front window for easy viewing of display
  • Part number: WLC-KG-UVD1P
  • Works with Wouxun KG-805G, KG-805M, KG-UV6D and KG-UVD1P Dual Band Two Way Radios

Additional Information

  1. Fits perfectly and protects my radio. review by amgovret97 on 3/10/2024

    This is the perfect fit for my radio, and no I don't have to worry about damage to the radio.

  2. Quality review by Lou on 5/25/2021

    Good quality and easy to use. Like most leather it is tight at first but then adjusts well.

  3. It's a case if you need it... review by Peter on 9/1/2020

    Tight fitting but that would loosen up after a while. However it doesn't feel like a commercial quality holster (though it's not priced like one to be fair). I rely on other cases for my KG-805Gs and are better but many times the price. If you're looking for a value priced case this will probably suit you.

  4. Great case for the KG-805! review by desertpeaks on 1/27/2020

    Tight fitting at first. Once the leather stretches it fits like a glove. Even with the extended battery on. Provides good protection and a good grip. Will buy another as a spare or for another Wouxun unit.

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