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Multi-Unit Charger For Motorola CLS1410 - Daily Rental

Quick Overview

The Motorola 56531 multi-unit charger works with CLS series radios, and allows you to charge a fleet of up to 6 radios at once. The Motorola 56531 charger also supports cloning, allowing you to easily copy settings from one radio to another!

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The Motorola 56531 multi-unit charger works with CLS series radios, and allows you to charge a fleet of up to 6 radios at once. The Motorola 56531 charger also supports cloning, allowing you to easily copy settings from one radio to another!

Works with Motorola CLS series business radios, including: CLS1110, CLS1410, CLS1450CB, and CLS1450CH.

This charger is a daily rental product.

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